バチェラー・パーティー・オメガ -シェパード

2186 C.E. — Omega Station

Shepard knew she shouldn’t have fucked with Aria. The adorable Asari had mired the Commander deep in debt, and the Normandy impounded until the payments cleared. Shepard’s Cerberus accounts had been disabled to escalate matters and her extranet funds frozen. She’d no way off, and no credits this hellhole of a rock. That is, until Aria suggested”alternate” ways of repaying the debt.

Seemingly some wealthy Blood Pack clients held a bachelor party at tonight for a top ranking gang member. The girl reserved to”entertain” them was unavailable, so obviously somebody had to fill in and give the boys a good time. Shepard thought of it as cash that was simple. She would tell the team, possibly book a job later? What? They’re just a bunch of sexy aliens?

A few hours after Shepard Found the door opening to the VIP lounge of Afterlife and striding into the space.

“So who is the lucky b–?”

Only then didn’t watch that the Varren they had brought with them.